RPR 4000
The rugged new RITEC RPR-4000 Pulser/Receiver features an 8 kW tone burst pulser at up to 1% duty cycle, a 100 dB gain low noise receiver, a local display and keypad for control of all functions, and an environmentally secure package with over temperature shut-down. This remarkable instrument has been designed to withstand severe environmental pollution and high temperatures while providing the most powerful tone burst pulse available to the ultrasonic testing market. The very high pulse power is especially valuable when driving electromagnetic transducers (EMATs) which are well known for having poor sensitivity. The front panel key pad provides control of all functions including frequency, repetition rate, pulse width, receiver gain, receiver input selection, and receiver filter selection. A novel feature of the instrument is a front panel display of the peak burst voltage being generated in the pulser. Up to ten sets of operating parameters can be saved for future recall. The unit may also be controlled from an external computer via the RS-232 interface. Gated-amplifier, high-power outputs are obtainable over a frequency range in excess of one decade. Typical high-power (8kW) frequency ranges are 0.05 to 0.5 MHz and 0.25 to 2 MHz. The high power is particularly valuable when using electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) and aircoupled transducers.